18/08/2022 0 Comments
How does stress affect hair loss?
Modern life is stressful. That may not be the most insightful of statements, but it's true nonetheless. Everyone feels the strain caused by everything from social media, long working hours, and the cost of living crisis. However, did you know that hair loss can be linked to extreme stress levels? Some of the most recent scientific studies on stress-related hair loss have linked emotional distress with telogen effluvium – a type of hair loss.
Stress Related Hair Loss
The average person has about 100,000 hair follicles on their scalp. Each of these follicles is subject to a cycle of growth and rest. Most hair follicles are in the growth phase, referred to in scientific literature as the anagen phase. When the follicle changes to the rest or telogen phase, the hair falls out. When an abnormal shift occurs, and a large about of follicles transition to this telogen phase, this is referred to as the hair loss condition telogen effluvium. Recently it's been shown to be more and more likely that this abnormal shift is triggered by emotional stress.
Types of emotional stress
It may be somewhat of a relief to learn that this hair loss is usually triggered only by significant and prolonged emotional stress. While a bad day at work or a particularly stressful trip to the airport is unlikely to trigger hair loss. An event like a divorce or the death of a loved one may contribute to losing your hair.
Signs to look out for
Some of the signs that you may be suffering from telogen effluvium is an abrupt loss of hair. However, this sudden hair loss may take three months after the stressful event to begin. Typically telogen effluvium can last up to three months. And the hair will likely be falling out for the entire duration.
Individuals experiencing telogen effluvium will likely feel that their hair is thinner and will notice excessive hair shedding after showers.
Telogen Effluvium Is Temporary
As a consultation, telogen effluvium is frequently temporary. Although the process is slow, your hair should eventually return to its pre-telogen effluvium thickness.
Are you worried that stress is affecting your hair? We recommend booking an appointment in our hair loss clinic. Our experts can diagnose and treat all types of hair loss.
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